

The core of Kami, libkami, has no requirements beyond a modern C++ compiler and neargye-semver/0.3.0. However, both the examples provided and the unit tests provided rely on three additional C++ packages. The full list is:

  • cli11/1.9.1

  • gtest/cci.20210126

  • neargye-semver/0.3.0”

  • spdlog/1.8.5

  • fmt/7.1.3

Google Test provides a unit testing framework. CLI11 provides a command line interface for each of the utilities that makeup the examples. spdlog provides a uniform output interface. Coupled with a command line option to set the output level, spdlog allows the unit tests and example programs to provide variable output levels depending on the users needs. Finally, fmt is required by spdlog for simple and easy string formatting.


To compile and test locally in kami/build:

git clone
cd kami
conan install -if build .
cmake --build build
cmake --build build --target test

Conan Installation (Local)

To install via Conan:

conan create . kami/develop